SnowCraft video game on iOS, Watch OS
Creative Direction, Interaction Design, Illustration
Special thanks:
Wells Packard for the original Shockwave programming, sound design and interaction contributions. Mayumi Sato for original 3d modeling and Mike Krier for the iOS port.

The original Snowcraft game circulated as a holiday card in 1997 and went viral before social media existed. Quickly growing to over a 8 million active users worldwide. Sustaining heavy demand 10 years later, It was ported to iOS in 2006. A simple Apple Watch version is currently being explored.

Dear Samsung,
I’m really not trying to kick you while you are down. I know you’ve got a lot on your plate right now but I think you should consider another approach to how you are currently handling your recall.
out site I know you are currently sending out a special thermally insulated return packaging consisting of three cardboard boxes, one of which is thermally insulate, protective latex gloves to handle the phone and mylar anti static bag to place the Samsung phone into.

YouTube/XDA Developers
This really seems like a lot of packaging for your customers to deal with let alone the sheer cost of materials. I’m just guessing it could be about a $1 USD per box, and another for the instructions and mylar bag. Let’s just say for the sake of argument that it’s about $4 for everything. At $4 times 2.5 million units, thats about $10 million USD and I’m not even counting the labor costs involved in packing those kits up to send out.
Here’s my suggestion:

Common LiPO-safe charging bags used by drone hobbyists.
At less than $3 USD per unit in low quantities, and about half of that for the amount you need, you could send out LIPO-Safe battery bags that are known to be fire resistant and what drone racers have been using for years to charge, transport and store their LIPO battery packs while they charge or discharge in case they catch fire or explode.
You could do three things with these. First, lowering shipping and packaging costs while being actually safer for transport. Second, being far easier for your customers to pack their phones up, and third, giving these bags to airlines to hand out incase someone still has a defective phone.
We all know that the chemistry in lithium ion, or lithium polymer batteries are tricky and this won’t be the last time a consumer electronic device will be recalled have to be shipped. These LIPO-safe bags could reused and come in handy again.
readme We all know that the chemistry in lithium ion, or lithium polymer batteries are tricky and this won’t be the last time a consumer electronic device will be recalled have to be shipped. These LIPO-safe bags could reused and come in handy again.

Just a mockup. Maybe leave out the logo 🙂
Imagine customers recieving streamlined packaging with space for preprinted postage or instructions instead of several cardboard boxes. Or even generic ones that could be used for recycling used electronics in the future?
If you are interested, I can get these made for you. 🙂
SnowCraft video game on iOS, Watch OS
Creative Direction, Interaction Design, Illustration
Special thanks:
Wells Packard for the original Shockwave programming, sound design and interaction contributions. Mayumi Sato for original 3d modeling and Mike Krier for the iOS port.

The original Snowcraft game circulated as a holiday card in 1997 and went viral before social media existed. Quickly growing to over a 8 million active users worldwide. Sustaining heavy demand 10 years later, It was ported to iOS in 2006. A simple Apple Watch version is currently being explored.